Irrigation Start-Up
After sitting all winter, your irrigation system will need turned back on and tuned up. All irrigations lines and sprinkler heads should be checked for accuracy and efficiency to ensure you are getting your best value when watering your lawn. Our team will typically arrive to perform these services in April-May every year.
Your Irrigation Start Up Includes:
- Water turned on and pressure tested
- Heads checked for targeting accuracy
- Leaks in pipes identified and repaired
- Perform Back flow testing (should be done annually in the spring)
- Test irrigation system for highest efficiency
Irrigation Maintenance & Repairs
It’s a good idea to have your irrigation system checked regularly. Like any other investment, regular maintenance checks keep things running smoothly. We have a maintenance program that allows us to come out for periodic visits to check your system and ensure things are running smoothly. We can also adjust the watering schedules for you and make any necessary repairs while we are there. Of course, without a maintenance program in place, you can still call us and schedule a service call, if you are concerned about your irrigation system having issues.
Our team can check for broken valves, worn rotors, wiper seals, fixed sprays that are worn or broken, pipe leaks and more. These broken, damaged or worn items can cause water bubbling up around the head or other water leaks. We can help identify issues or malfunctions and repair them.
Irrigation Winterization
At the end of the season, and typically no later than Halloween, it’s time to winterize or shut down your irrigation system for the winter.
We will:
- Turn off water to the lines
- Blow out the lines to prevent freezing water from busting the pipes
- Check for leaks and perform needed repairs