Fertilization & Weed Control for a Healthy Lawn
A Classic Cut provides fertilization and weed control for residential and commercial customers. We offer these lawn treatment services to the surrounding areas of Fishers – including Noblesville, Indianapolis, Carmel and Westfield. We’ve recently added: Cicero, Elwood, Marion, Greenfield and Greenwood areas. No need to go somewhere else for your lawn treatments. We have partnered with another locally-0wned/operated company who is reputable, established and professionally certified to handle these needs for our customers. They are lawn care professionals who operate the same principles we do – making customer service a priority – which makes them a great partner for us. Therefore, we will be able to handle all of your lawn and landscape service needs in one place.
Fertilization & Weed Control
What a difference this program makes! Bring your lawn back to life - or make it greener and fuller than before!
Before and After Lawn Treatments
Our lawn care program is extremely affordable and will give you a lawn you will love. I am sharing my own backyard “before and after photos” from just a few treatments. We moved into our current home in July of 2016, and the lawn was in very sad shape. There were tons of weeds and crabgrass, and the grass was very dry and brittle… and brown. After only two treatments, the lawn turned around tremendously and is already really green, much thicker and prettier now. We also aerate every spring and fall, as well as overseed in the fall. We use the full lawn treatment program that we recommend to you – including grub treatment. What a difference!
- Aug 11, 2016
- April 27, 2017
- Aug 11, 2016
- April 27, 2017
The Lawn Treatment Program
We offer a 6 round application lawn treatment program that will give your lawn the attention it needs to thrive – specifically formulated for Indiana lawns.
1st Round
- Balanced Fertilizer (Granular)
- Pre-Emergent Crabgrass Control
2nd Round
- Broadleaf Weed Control (Blanket)
- Balanced Fertilizer (Granular as needed)
3rd Round
- Balanced Fertilizer (Granular/ Slow Release)
- Broadleaf Weed Control (Spot sprayed as needed)
Grub Treatment – Usually applied with 3rd or 4th Round
4th Round
- Balanced Fertilizer (Granular/ Slow Release)
- Broadleaf Weed Control (spot sprayed as needed)
5th Round
- Broadleaf Weed Control (Blanket)
- Balanced Fertilizer (Granular as needed)
6th Round
- Winterizing Fertilizer (Granular)
- Broadleaf Weed Control (Spot sprayed as needed)
Why use us for your Lawn Treatment Program?
- Granular Applications
- Professional State Certified Lawn Physicians
- Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Perimeter Pest Control is also recommended!